As a proactive approach to the recent tragic school shootings, the Michigan City Police SWAT Team (Special Operation and Tactics), will take their monthly training to the Michigan City High School this Tuesday evening February 27th.
Corporal Jeff Piotrowski, Officers Dave Cooney and Steve Forker, commanders for the elite SWAT team, approached the administration and Michigan City Area Schools to receive permission to conduct their Active Shooter “walk through” and “training” inside the grounds and building of the high school.
With this practice it will instill greater knowledge to the SWAT members of the layout of the building and inner and outer offices and classrooms.
Chief Mark Swistek states, “The more hands on style of training our officers are subjected to will hopefully insure we are preparing ourselves to protect not only the citizens of Michigan City but our children and their future”.
As the police will be present with numerous vehicles, personnel, and equipment at the high school during this exercise we want to instill to the public that this is just a training exercise and nothing more.
During this enhanced training there will be limited access to the school and parking areas.