Renowned writer and Boston surgeon Atul Gawande explores the relationships doctors have with patients nearing the end of life in the “Frontline” documentary, “Being Mortal,” which will be presented from 6–9 p.m., Wednesday, April 11 in Alumni Hall, Student Union & Library, at Purdue University Northwest, 2233 173rd St., Hammond.
The film presentation will be followed by a panel discussion addressing the issues in caring for the dying. Panelists include Dr. Y. Frantz Brignol, Dr. Vatsai Patel, Father Ted Mauch, Bioethicist Jana Lacera, and Nina Stur, Associate Director of Patient Care Service, St. Catherine’s Hospital, East Chicago.
This event is sponsored by the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Mu Omega Chapter and is free and open to the public.