After two grueling days of competing robots, robotics team 1747 – Harrison Boiler Robotics from West Lafayette, robotics team 868 – TechHOUNDS from Carmel, and robotics team 3936 – RoboBlitz from Michigan City have emerged as champions from the IndianaFIRST State Championship. In order to win, these teams were required to face 31 other teams from across Indiana in a series of qualification matches. The outstanding performance from robotics team 1747 – Harrison Boiler Robotics from West Lafayette Indiana put them as captain of the number one seeded alliance. This allowed them to pick team 868 – TechHOUNDS from Carmel, and team 3936 – RoboBlitz from Michigan City as alliance partners.
This was the final Indiana event. Teams going to the world championship is now set. There are now 12 teams from Indiana that will be going to the world championship.