Last week, two Toll Road troopers were recognized for their outstanding work by Superintendent Douglas Carter at the Indiana State Police Spring Awards Ceremony. Trooper Christopher Eagles was recognized as the Indiana State Police Toll Road Post “Trooper of the District.” This award goes to the trooper that is chosen by their command staff that personifies professionalism, integrity, a well-rounded work ethic, and community involvement. Eagles’ efforts have resulted in many criminal arrests, drunk drivers taken off of Indiana’s roadways and the seizure of large amounts of drugs. Trooper Ala’a Hamed received the “2017 District DUI Award” for the Indiana State Police Toll Road Post. This award is presented to the top trooper in each district for outstanding efforts in removing intoxicated drivers from Indiana’s roadways. Hamed also received the “2017 Life Award DUI-Top 5”. This award is presented to the top five troopers in Indiana for DUI arrests. He patrols primarily Lake and Porter Counties on the Indiana Toll Road during the overnight hours.