The LaPorte County Innovation Network is of the 11 Innovation Networks that will be formed thanks to a grant from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development’s employer-driven Skill UP Indiana! program. The Skill UP program, in its third year, provides funding to form and operate a collaborative group of educational, business and workforce stakeholders charged with developing the talent supply chain in local communities. The LaPorte County Innovation Network will receive $677,000. The group’s goal will be to train adults to meet immediate skill needs, develop strengthened relationships between manufacturing employers and local students for strengthening the talent pipeline. A total of $9.546 million will be given out to the 11 Skill UP grant recipients statewide. Innovation networks create a talent pipeline that is matched to the requirements of employers’ current and future workforce needs. The grants, which cover two years, require a private match by the recipients, and financially support the partnerships to provide more and better avenues for skill-specific training and certification. More information about Skill UP Indiana! can be found at