PFLAG (Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Michigan City and LaPorte County Chapter continuewith their second year. Their place is the Artspace Uptown Artist Lofts in the Uptown Arts District in Michigan City. They will meet this month on Thursday, January 24th, at 6:30 pm. They welcome everybody who are allies including everyone in our LGBTQA+ community. Esther Stiles, President of the local PFLAG, will share resources and lead a discussion in how to be an effective ally. There will also be opportunity for questions and sharing. Anything and everything talked about at the meetings remains in their meetings, so they create a confidential space for you to open up or remain silent.
Meetings are for those 18 years of age and over—are usually held the fourth Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 8 pm and will always include advocacy, education, and support. They meet at the Artspace Uptown Artist Lofts, 7th floor Community Room, 717 Franklin Street, Michigan City, IN. For more information contact: (219) 561-0948 or