Makers, crafters, and performers from across the region will be on hand for what is being billed as the “Greatest Show & Tell on Earth” — the South Shore Mini Maker Faire. The event will be held on Saturday, June 22, at Charles R. Westcott Park in Michigan City. The free, family-friendly event will be open to the public from 11:00am to 5:00pm.
The South Shore Mini Maker Faire takes after its enormous parent event, Maker Faire, which originated in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2006 as a project of the editors of Make: Magazine. Maker Faires have expanded into a global network of flagship and independently produced events celebrating innovation, creativity, and curiosity.
Among the established and emerging local “makers” scheduled for the South Shore Mini Maker Faire are JEM Custom Shoes, Michigan City Robotics, Pumpernickel Pewter, Art and Science Works, Ken-YOU-dama, the Rubber-Band Powered Car, Peddling with Solar Power, WELD LaPorte, Cardboard Automata, and Barker Middle School’s Water Bottle Rockets. They will be showcasing rockets and robots, DIY art and technology, alternative energy vehicles, unique craft and metalwork, and hobbies.
In addition, members of the public are invited to take part as “makers” through a Create a Musical Instrument opportunity. Simply create a musical instrument using items from your environment, such as recycled materials, things from nature, and basic crafting materials. You may work alone or with a family/group. No advance registration is required; just bring the instrument to share and demonstrate at 1:00 p.m. on the main stage.