Since 2011 Neighbors’ Educational Opportunities (NEO) in Portage has provided daytime English-as-a-second-language (ESL) classes. Starting August 26, evening courses will be added, giving Northwest Indiana residents another opportunity to learn or improve their English speaking, listening, and writing.
The decision to offer both day and evening ESL classes was prompted by students’ needs for flexible scheduling. NEO’s Director of Adult Education Adrienne Carrol noted that because many students work and care for their children, removing scheduling barriers is a key to successful learning. Carrol explained that while students must complete at least 12 hours of classes each week, they can do so by also using online programs or homework to practice English skills at home. NEO’s adult education classes are free. Students pay only a $20 annual registration fee when they begin the program. The classes are open to any Indiana resident who speaks any language. Students interested in NEO’s ESL program can learn more by visiting their website at or by calling 219-850-4448. Registration for adult classes generally takes place twice a month from August to April.