Students at Michigan City High School seeking to pursue a career in advanced manufacturing can graduate as a Certified Production Technician with specific industry credentials and work experience now that the school has been certified as a State Earn and Learn (SEAL) program.

The school has partnered with several compressed air companies in the area to launch the Compressed Air Academy, where high school students get industry-tailored instruction, hands-on experience with equipment, on-the-job training and opportunities to continue their education or enter the workforce upon graduation.

The Indiana Department of Workforce Development (DWD) is helping to skill-up the state’s workforce by developing and facilitating comprehensive work-based learning programs with education and industry partners, offering SEAL certificates to employers and high schools through its Office of Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship (OWBLA).

During a Feb. 4 ceremony, Michigan City Area Schools administrators, employers and community partners convened to accept the certification from DWD officials of the Office of Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship.