INDIANA DUNES NATIONAL PARK: To protect public health and slow the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus, the National Park Service is cancelling this weekend’s Maple Sugar Time Festival at Indiana Dunes National Park’s Chellberg Farm. The park’s Paul H. Douglas Center for Environmental Education has also been closed and all ranger-led public and school programs are cancelled until at least March 23.

These actions have been taken based on the best available medical advice to limit gatherings of large numbers of people and to promote social distancing. At this time, the park’s trails and beaches remain open to the public.

While outdoor spaces, like park trails, are believed to be safer than indoor spaces, visitors are urged to take the precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  For tips from the CDC on preventing illnesses like the coronavirus, go to:  

The National Park Service is actively monitoring developments related to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus and is consulting with relevant federal, state and local authorities, including the CDC, to get the most up to date information needed to protect the health of our visitors, volunteers and employees.