Dear Business Community, This is an unprecedented time in our history. The COVID-19 pandemic is having a significant impact on the health of our loved ones, the businesses we rely on, the strength of the global economy, and the way we live our daily lives. As we all work to navigate through these unique and evolving challenges, we want you to know that both the Economic Development Corporation Michigan City (EDCMC) and the Michigan City Chamber of Commerce are here for you. Our Chamber of Commerce has been serving businesses in our community for over 100 years and our Economic Development Corporation for more than 20. In that time of service, we have weathered with you the storms of the dot com bust, 9/11, more than one financial crisis and recessions. We will continue to see the impacts of major weather events and wildfires that impact our global supply chain, and government shutdowns. Throughout this shared journey we have worked to support and sustain our local businesses, our members and our partners. As we address this current pandemic, both our organizations are committed to our business community. Many businesses today are stepping up to help, because no one business can do it alone. We are calling on companies across the financial ecosystem to come together to help the most vulnerable during this crisis. We all need to support our employees and look for ways to help our customers navigate these waters. In the last few weeks, we have seen generosity and kindness, intergenerational support and solidarity, and remarkable fortitude. It is during times like these our courage and perseverance make a difference. Both organizations are working in unison to formulate a business recovery plan. We have been meeting with business leaders, directing local businesses to both national and local resources, and working to create a strategic plan for our business community moving forward. In order to develop the best plan, we need your assistance in completing our Michigan City Business Impact Survey. This information will be used to formulate a strategy and recommendations on how to move Michigan City forward. The survey link is which can also be accessed from both the EDCMC and Chamber websites and Facebook pages. The Economic Development Corporation Michigan City and the Michigan City Chamber of Commerce stand ready to help our business community navigate these uncertain times and appreciate your participation in the survey.