The MCHS Student Council is inviting everyone in our community (adults and students alike!) to wear “Wolves Wear” on Friday, and they are asking schools/businesses to help cheer on the Wolves with messages on signage, etc. Although the Homecoming festivities are being postponed (tentatively basketball season, date TBA),  this Friday is still a big day for our high school. They thank everyone for the support!
Ticket Information: 750 tickets for the Wolves home game are for sale now from the MCHS Athletic Office. First-come, first-served all week long until they run out. Tickets are $6 each.  The Athletic Office is in the back of MCHS, and is accessible through Door J.  Hours are 8-3:30 daily. (***Face masks and social distancing will be required at the game.***)
Pay Per View Option: 
The game will be broadcast live on the IHSAA Champions Network on Friday, October 9 at Kickoff is at 7:00pm. Cost is $9.95 payable by credit or debit card. 
City Pride Spirit Day!Please see the attached flyer and feel free to share. The MCHS Student Council hopes everyone will show support for our Wolves this Friday!