More than 36,000 Coho salmon were recently stocked in multiple rivers and streams in northern Indiana last week. Bodine State Fish Hatchery released Coho salmon into the Little Calumet River and Trail Creek. A total of 14,000 fish were stocked into the East Branch of the Little Calumet. About 22,000 fish were planted into Trail Creek. These fish were approximately 7.2 inches long. Mixsawbah State Fish Hatchery plans to stock approximately 16,500 Coho salmon into the Little Calumet and 8,500 into Trail Creek on Oct. 29th. Fish stocked will be around 6.5 inches long. When finished, each Lake Michigan tributary will have received nearly the same number of fish or about 30,500.
Coho salmon stocked this fall will stay in the streams until next spring, when they will migrate to Lake Michigan. They will spend one to two years there until they return to the streams where they were stocked for spawning.
The DNR says anglers should take care when fishing these areas. These fish are currently under the legal size limit and are sensitive to being caught. The DNR says if you are catching undersize Coho, consider moving to a different area of the stream or try switching your method of fishing. These new fish are crucial to the continued existence of the northwest Indiana trout and salmon fishery.