The MCAS Food Service Department is excited to announce that meals will be provided for “in-person” learning students during the Hybrid schedule on Mondays and Fridays, beginning Friday, November 6th.
Because all Michigan City Area Schools are CEP (Community Eligibility Program) schools, all students receive free meals. A breakfast and lunch will be provided that will be ready to eat for children to enjoy during these scheduled hybrid online learning days.
For students who ride the bus: Food Service is partnering with MCAS Transportation to deliver meals to the child’s bus stop. Your child’s driver will contact you to see if you plan to pick up these meals at the bus stop. Either the parent or child can pick up these meals. This will be done at the normally scheduled bus stop time each Monday and Friday during Hybrid learning.
For students who do not ride the bus: You (or your child) may pick these meals up at your child’s school. These meals will be available for pick up from 7:00 – 7:30 a.m. Monday and Friday during the Hybrid learning schedule. This is to ensure your child has enough time to return home to eat breakfast and log into their classes.
Parents who have children attending multiple schools can pick up at their oldest child’s school. Elementary School pickup time is 8:00 – 8:30 a.m.
Please call the MCAS Food Service office with any questions at 873-2131.
If your child is an MCAS Online or MC Virtual Academy student, there is no change to meal pickups. Pick ups will continue weekly on Mondays at MCHS and Krueger from 12:30-1:30pm and must be pre-ordered by noon on Wednesday at