United Way Regional Volunteer Center is seeking volunteers to help local nonprofits during its annual Day of Caring event on Friday, August 6.
As the largest single-day volunteer event across Northwest Indiana, Day of Caring brings together nonprofits, families, local businesses, municipalities, churches, civic groups and individuals to change lives by helping local nonprofits with facility improvements and client-support projects.
United Way is looking for more than 700 volunteers to help with 67 service projects. Volunteers can choose from in-person, virtual and donation drive opportunities. Projects include painting, landscaping, building, cleaning, hosting social activities, taking kids fishing, collection drives and more.

The day kicks off with a free breakfast rally in Valparaiso. Volunteers should register by Tuesday, July 27 to guarantee receipt of a free Day of Caring T-shirt. Individuals, teams, novices and skilled professionals are encouraged to participate. For more information and to register, visit nwivolunteer.org.