Michigan City residents will join the fight to end Alzheimer’s disease at the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Oct. 9.
On walk day, participants honor those affected by Alzheimer’s with the Promise Garden ceremony. The colors of the Promise Garden flowers represent people’s connection to Alzheimer’s and their personal reasons to end the disease. The event and Walk route will open at 9 a.m., and the Promise Garden ceremony will be held at 10 a.m.
The Walk will be held outdoors and implement additional safety protocols including physical distancing, contactless registration, hand sanitizing stations and more. Masks are encouraged and will be available on site. The CDC, state and local guidelines will be adhered to ensure Walk events are safe for attendees.
Options are also being offered to participate online and “Walk from home” in local neighborhoods.
For more information and to register, visit act.alz.org/MichiganCity.