Valparaiso University gave an update Monday regarding the fire that occurred on Friday at the Art-Psychology building. 

“As you know, Valpo suffered a great loss this weekend. The damage to the Art-Psychology building is extensive, but we are thankful and blessed that no one was injured in the fire and want to express gratitude to those who helped evacuate the building.” 

The university announced that the Art-Psychology building is permanently closed. 

Additionally the university announced that Dickmeyer and Kroencke Hall are closed until further notice. Anyone needing access to either building should contact VUPD. 

Valparaiso University additionally stated on their Facebook page, “We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the first responders who helped evacuate the buildings and extinguish the fire. The support of our city departments and officials ensured that the fire did not spread to any other buildings. This loss was traumatic for many of you – please remember that the University Counseling Center, including TAO Connect, and the University Chapel pastors are here to support you.”

A message from President Padilla, including the history of the Art-Psychology building can be found here.