The Indiana State Police announced that it will be stepping up patrols as part of the Safe Family Travel holiday enforcement campaign. Starting this week, officers will be out in greater numbers showing zero tolerance for anyone driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The department joins more than 200 participating law enforcement agencies in the campaign, which runs through January 1 of next year. While officers will be targeting impaired drivers, they will also be on high alert for seat belt violations and other forms of unsafe driving. Their goal is to help ensure people make it to and from their celebrations safely.

The extra high-visibility enforcement is funded with grants provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) through the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI).

With officers on high-alert, motorists are encouraged to plan ahead to get home safely by designating a sober driver or by using public transportation or a ride service like Uber or Lyft. Even if one drink is consumed, never drive impaired or let friends get behind the wheel if they’ve been drinking. It’s also important to wear a seat belt, put away the distractions and follow posted speed limits.

Police say driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is illegal in Indiana and all 50 states. “Those who choose to drive impaired are not only risking their life and the lives of others, but also could face an arrest, jail time, and substantial fines and attorney fees,” Indiana State Police stated. “The average drunk driving arrest costs up to $10,000.”

Motorists are encouraged to contact the department or call 911 if they encounter an impaired driver on the road.