Jasper County Sheriff Pat Williamson and Newton County Sheriff Shannon Cothran addressed the recent theft of GPS Globes from tractors.

Sheriff’s offices are concerned about the recent incidents of GPS globe theft from tractors.

“These thefts not only pose a significant financial burden to farmers but also disrupt their operations and hinder productivity, the Sheriffs of Jasper and Newton Counties in a joint statement.

“GPS globes are crucial components of modern farming equipment, enabling precision agriculture techniques that optimize resource utilization, increase efficiency, and maximize crop yields,” the sheriffs said. “Unfortunately, the theft of these vital devices has become a growing problem in the agricultural community, adversely affecting farmers’ livelihoods.”

Sheriff Williamson stated, “We are committed to raising awareness among farmers about the importance of securing their equipment and taking preventive measures.”

Sheriff Cothran added, “The theft of GPS globes from tractors is a serious concern for us, as it directly impacts our local farmer’s ability to farm efficiently. We are fully committed to protecting their investments and ensuring their operations continue smoothly.

Local farmers are asked to secure their equipment as best as possible. Local residents are encouraged to report any suspicious vehicles or actions they may notice.