Dear Members of the Media:

First of all, I want to be clear that I had nothing to do with the investigation of Commissioner Gramarossa by a Special Prosecutor, so it’s odd that Stanley Wrubel’s press release focused on me.   While I was aware that other elected officials and department heads directly affected by Gramarossa’s inappropriate actions were spearheading the report of those actions to law enforcement, I was not involved in any way in that effort, even as I supported it privately.   I also specifically disclaim Gramarossa’s attorney’s claim that I “told a county department head a month ago with certainty that [Gramarossa] was going to jail.”   I explicitly deny ever saying any such a thing, which is 100% false, and a fabrication of Gramarossa’s attorney.

I would also point out that nothing in the special prosecutor’s report “cleared” or “exonerated” Commissioner Gramarossa, and her attorney deliberately mischaracterizes the situation by suggesting otherwise.   More accurately, the special prosecutor indicates that a number of the serious charges against Gramarossa would not be prosecuted, merely because of the difficulty in getting a jury to convict.

Finally, I will continue to confront issues of corruption, intimidation, pay to play, and the ingrained culture of an approval of no bid contracts to certain favored or “connected” parties in La Porte County, because I believe the people of La Porte County deserve better.   They deserve an honest and clean government.


Timothy Stabosz

La Porte County Auditor

555 Michigan Avenue, Suite 205

La Porte, IN  46350

(219) 326-6808  Ext. 2226