The Michigan City High School (MCHS) Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (MCJROTC) hosted a military drill competition on Saturday, November 4th.  The

Wolves earned 3rd place trophies for Color Guard and Exhibition, and a 2nd place for Regulation in the Armed Division.  They also earned a second place for Color Guard in the Unarmed Division.  The University of Notre Dame Navy/Marine Corps ROTC provided the judges.

“For being this early in the year, our cadets drilled very well,” said Senior Marine Instructor Major Tom McGrath.  “Particularly since most of our Drill Team are also on our Raider Team, it is a real tribute to the versatility and work ethic of City cadets to compete on such a high level on back-to-back Saturdays.”

Master Sergeant Jeff Benak, the Marine Instructor, complimented the younger cadets on their performance.  “One-third of our team are drilling competitively for the first time.  I have to hand it to our senior cadets for bringing our first-years up to the level where we are very competitive.”

The Wolves’ next meet will be at Portage on December 2nd.  The sectional championship will be at Indianapolis Ben Davis on January 27th.  If MCHS wins that meet, they would go to the National Championship in Washington, DC in the Spring.  That trip, like all MCJROTC activities, is done at no cost to the student or MCHS.  The Marine Corps funds all activities.

In addition to the Drill Team, the cadets will be honoring veterans on Thursday, November 9th, with a ceremony at the MCHS Gym at 1:30 pm in anticipation of Veterans Day.  The ceremony, conducted with the MCHS Band and Choir, is open to the public.  MCHS particularly encourages all veterans to attend, as they will be honored during the ceremony.  The following day, the cadets will honor the U.S. Marine Corps with its Birthday Ball.  Friday, November 10th, is the 248th birthday of the Marine Corps.  The following Saturday, November 18th, the Wolves will travel to Indianapolis to compete in Ben Davis’ Raider competition.  After the Thanksgiving break, MCHS will compete in Portage’s Drill Meet, and turn around that evening to march in the Michigan City Christmas Parade.  They will also be supporting the Michigan City Area Schools One City One Sound concert on December 7th, the Salvation Army Holiday food and gift donations drive, and providing the Color Guards for all home basketball games.