Before you go ice fishing this season, be sure to review these top safety tips:
-Know the body of water that you’re going to fish. Be mindful of creeks or springs along lakes and ponds, which could make ice unsafe. Beaver lodges will often have weak ice around them.
-Stay off of moving water. Indiana doesn’t have cold enough winters to safely freeze our rivers and streams.
-Never walk on less than 4 inches of ice. Know that even 4 inches of ice late in the season may not be safe to walk on, as ice can be waterlogged or honeycombed at these times.
-ATVs need 8 to 12 inches of ice. Small vehicles need 12 to 15 inches of ice. Trucks need 15 inches or more of ice.
-Snow insulates ice. This can cause weak spots and slow the freezing process.
-Dress appropriately for the day. Wear a Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device, brightly colored clothes, ice creepers, wool clothing, a hat, and sunglasses.
Never fish alone. Tell someone where you are going and when you plan to return.