The following is a statement from the Michigan City Police Department regarding parking enforcement:

The Michigan City Police Department has received complaints pertaining to vehicles throughout our community parking in the front yards, side yards, rear yards, and other areas that are prohibited by city ordinance. Prior to an ordinance enforcement initiative starting, we would like to remind all residents of Michigan City of the ordinance prohibiting driving/parking in lawns and in the greenway. If you are the owner of a motor vehicle that is in violation of the below ordinance, please take remedial action immediately to avoid receiving a citation and/or having your vehicle impounded.

Sec. 94-207. – Driving/parking prohibited in lawn and greenway.

(c) Parking and driving prohibited in certain areas.

(1) It shall be unlawful to park or drive any motor vehicle in a residential area or a lot zoned for a residential use:

a. On or over street curbing other than driving over an approved curb cut to access a driveway;

b. On or over sidewalks other than driving over the sidewalk that is part of an approved driveway;

c. In or over the front, side or rear yard, other than on an approved driveway, as those areas are defined in this section 94-207(a);

d. In or over the greenbelt as that term is defined in section 31.09 of the Michigan City Zoning Code; and

e. Any place identified by appropriate signage as a No Parking area.

(2) Unless otherwise required by city signs, all vehicles shall be parked parallel with the street and not closer than six
inches from the street side of a sidewalk or, if no sidewalk exists, not more than two feet from the edge of pavement.

(c) Curb cuts. No person shall operate or park any motor vehicle on any portion of a lot in any residential district whereby
the motor vehicle is driven over the curb instead of through a curb cut.

(d) Enforcement; violation; and towing vehicle. This section shall be enforced by the Michigan City Police Department
and/or the Michigan City Planning and Inspection Department. The owner of any motor vehicle which is parked or driven
in violation of this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in section 50-485, as well as applicable zoning
provisions of Michigan City, Indiana.

Furthermore, if in the opinion of the Michigan City Police Department and/or the Michigan City Planning and Inspection
Department a motor vehicle parked in violation of this section is substantially interfering with the ingress or egress of any
foot or vehicular traffic by preventing free movement of traffic and/or pedestrians and the owner fails to cure the violation
within 24 hours of the issuance of a citation for violation of this section, the vehicle may be towed and impounded. The owner of any vehicle which has been towed pursuant to this section shall be responsible for all storage and towing charges.