The Indiana Department of Transportation announced the agency will make available at least $125 million for high-priority railroad safety projects on local roads statewide through the agency’s new “Local Trax” matching grant program. Local Trax provides state matching funds for Indiana cities, towns, and counties interested in pursuing high-priority railroad grade separations, crossing closures, and other safety enhancements at railroad intersections with local roads. INDOT will begin accepting project proposals from local agencies in May. Local Trax requires local governments to provide only 20 percent of funding for land acquisition and construction with the state providing the other 80 percent. INDOT will hold a series of meetings around the state later this month for local officials to present program details and requirements and answer questions. A local meeting will be held Monday, April 16th from 1 p.m. at the Central INDOT LaPorte District Office, 315 E. Boyd Blvd, in LaPorte.
Email to reserve your seat. More information about Local Trax is online at