On Friday, Governor Eric J. Holcomb announced the launch of the Next Level Broadband program, which will dedicate $100 million to bridge the digital divide in rural areas of the state.
Gov. Holcomb has asked Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, along with the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs, to oversee the application program. The Indiana Department of Transportation will administer grant funding and provide technical support.
For the initial round of funding, broadband providers can apply for up to $5 million to expand service to unserved areas if they provide at least a 20 percent match. Unserved areas are without at least one broadband provider offering internet fast enough to provide the most basic services – at least 10 mbps download and 1 mbps upload.
The grant program is launching after months of working with stakeholders as a part of Gov. Holcomb’s Next Level Connections, a $1 billion statewide infrastructure program announced in September 2018.
Applications and more information can be found on ocra.in.gov/nlc.htm. The deadline for applications is April 5 by 4 p.m. ET.
Questions about the grant application can be sent to nlc@ocra.in.gov.