While pregnancy is a time of excitement and anticipation, the loss of a pregnancy or newborn is a heartbreaking experience, especially for the child’s parents. Franciscan Health recognizes the pain that families go through in perinatal loss and provides services to those seeking care and comfort.

Twice a year, Franciscan Health Michigan City holds a memorial service to remember these children. The public is invited to take part in “Remembering Our Babies” at 1 p.m. Saturday, October 30, at St. Stanislaus Catholic Cemetery, 1015 Greenwood Ave. in Michigan City. Attendees are requested to wear facemasks and observe social distancing recommendations.

Franciscan says continuing Christ’s ministry in their Franciscan tradition means respect for life through all stages. This memorial service is held in accordance with Franciscan Health Michigan City’s faith and commitment, including the unborn child, their parents and families.

For more information about the memorial service and pregnancy loss support services, contact Franciscan Health Michigan City’s Family Birth Center at (219) 877-1610.