Press release by City of La Porte:

La PORTE, IN  – After months of intensive discussion, yesterday marked the City of La Porte’s deadline with regards to the annexation of the 39 North Conservancy District, according to Mayor Tom Dermody.

The city is committed to its strategy and plan for the future, and as such the Mayor’s office set a deadline of May 31 for an agreement to be reached. They met their deadline and achieved their goal of obtaining the necessary signatures. However, in an effort to be good partners with the 39 North board, Dermody said the City will extend its deadline at the request of the 39 North Conservancy Board to accommodate their regular scheduled meeting tomorrow, June 2.

“We are excited to partner with the Conservancy board and its residents to improve the infrastructure in this area and position the 39 North community for future growth,” Dermody said. “What’s best for these residents and business owners has always been at the heart of this discussion, and we are happy to have their support to move forward.”

After action by the 39 North Board at tomorrow’s meeting, Dermody said the city will determine the appropriate path forward.