Indianapolis, IN — Indiana state Rep. Pat Boy (District 9) was recently recognized for supporting Term Limits for Congress by signing the U.S. Term Limits Pledge, which states that “as a member of the state legislature, I will cosponsor, vote for, and defend the resolution applying for an Article V convention for the sole purpose of enacting term limits on Congress.”
Aaron Dukette of U.S. Term Limits presented Representative Boy the “Champion of Term Limits” plaque, which reads, “In recognition of a steadfast commitment to restore citizen government through term limits.” The U.S. Term Limits Article V convention application is limited to proposing an amendment to set a limit on the number of terms that a person may be elected as a member of the U.S. House and Senate. The Article V convention application does not specify the number of terms as that will be determined by the commissioners appointed to the convention by the state legislatures.
Many fellow legislators have pledged their support for the application, indicating that constituents want term limits on Congress. According to the latest RMG Research poll, 76% of likely voters in Indiana support term limits for Congress, with strong support among Republicans, Democrats, and Independents alike.
It is important to note that once an amendment is proposed by Congress or by the state legislatures at the convention, it must be ratified by three-fourths (38) of the states to be added as an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Rep. Boy’s support, along with that of other members of the House, demonstrates that the push for term limits for Congress is gaining momentum in Indiana.