La Porte County Election Board President Charles D. Watterson, IV issued a statement Thursday regarding a voting discrepancy that was discovered in the Precinct Voting Reports of Tuesday’s election.

Watterson, IV stated the following:

“A discrepancy has been discovered in the Precinct Voting Reports. MC07 and MC08 share a location. When the voters were given their ballot on the voting machine, MC07 was selected each time. This caused MC08 to show zero (0) votes on the precinct report and MC07 to show 136 for the number of Election Day votes.

Clerk Stevens has reviewed the ballot for both precincts and confirmed that they are identical to one another. This discrepancy has no effect on any of the numbers that published or any candidate totals. The only effect that this will have is on the Precinct Voting Report. It will appear that no one voted at MC08 when that is not actually the case. While we are aware of the issue, there is no way of changing it. This was simple human error and we already have a solution to keep anything similar from happening in the fall.

We cannot stress enough that all the citizens who showed up to vote at MC07 and MC08 had their vote processed. The discrepancy only effects the final precinct numbers and nothing else.”