A woman who was seconds from collapsing while holding her 4-month-old on Wednesday was kept from falling by a quick-thinking Lake County Sheriff’s Department police officer.

The potentially dangerous situation unfolded  after members of the warrant unit had lunch on Wicker Avenue in St. John.

Police said the woman was apparently feeling lightheaded and confused but managed to mumble that she needed help holding the infant in her child seat carrier and that it was too heavy for her.

Lieutenant Michael Hamady immediately recognized the signs of distress and was able to grab the baby carrier and keep the woman from falling. Hamady and two other Lake County officers talked with the woman and rendered some preliminary first aid.  They made sure the woman could drink fluids and suggested that she seek medical care; which she refused. Hamady insisted that the woman avoid driving in that condition.  He called the woman’s boyfriend who advised he would take her to be medically evaluated.

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office said they have since spoken with the woman, who told them  she and her baby are doing well.