To show appreciation for personnel who work to keep us safe and healthy, South Shore Line (SSL) is inviting all doctors, nurses, EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, other medical personnel, and law enforcement to ride free Oct. 17-23.

To ride free, medical and law enforcement personnel must only present a valid work ID to SSL train personnel that shows they are employed at a hospital, doctor’s office, medical facility, fire department, police station, prison, or aforementioned related agency. Law enforcement encompasses police officers, correctional officers, TSA agents, and other security personnel.

As a reminder, long-term busing is in effect for passengers between Gary Metro Center and Carroll Ave. stations for all weekday and weekend trains. Bus service will make all intermediate scheduled station stops, and passengers will be bused to/from the following stations on the regular SSL train time schedule: Carroll Ave., Dune Park, Portage/Ogden Dunes, and Miller.

Westbound passengers at those stations should be prepared to board buses in front of the station and re-board eestbound trains at Gary Metro. Eastbound passengers will detrain at Gary Metro to board buses for their destination station or board their scheduled eastbound trains again at Carroll Ave. For more information about the long-term busing, please visit: ave-gary-metro-center-stations.