This weekend will be the start of the Water Department’s biannual water system flushing, In the City of La Porte.

Beginning Sunday, and continuing for the next three to four weeks, crews will be out to flush fire hydrants throughout the community Sunday through Thursday between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. According to La Porte Water Superintendent Tim Werner this critical process helps to maintain the city’s water quality and infrastructure.

“Hydrant flushing is nothing new to our residents, as it happens twice a year,” Werner said.

“Still, we like to the opportunity each time to remind our community just how important this system maintenance is as we work to continue high-quality water service to our residents for years to come. We appreciate everyone’s patience and urge residents with questions to contact our office.”

Werner noted that flushing will take place on the evening of Halloween, but flushing will not begin until Trick or Treat has officially ended at 8 p.m.

During the flushing process, Werner warned discolored or rusty water may occur in some areas. Though the water is safe to drink, he said discolored water in washing machines may affect clothing. To avoid staining clothes, residents should check their water before doing laundry. Should clothes have some staining, avoid drying and call the Water Department for free rust removing solution.

Residents with questions can contact the Water Department at 219-326-9540.