New officers were recently installed to help lead the Jobs for America’s Graduates (J.A.G.) program at Michigan City High School.

In a ceremony held at the school last week, 11 new officers were sworn in to office, including Malkiyel Woodard, who will serve as president during this school year.

The J.A.G. Program is offered to MCHS students through a partnership with WorkOne and the Center of Workforce Innovations. The program helps students prepare for the future by focusing on four goals – leadership development, career preparation, civic awareness, and social awareness.

Other officers who were sworn in this year are Jesseniah Thomas, Vice President of Leadership Development; Derrion Wilcoxon, Vice President of Career Development; Garry Mitchell, Vice President of Social Awareness; E’Laisha Kelly, Vice President of Civic Awareness; Mackenzie Rojas, Vice President of Community Service; Destiny Meneweather, Secretary; Stephanie Rich, Treasurer; Halle Hood, Reporter; Aubrey Temple-Lebuis, Web Designer; and Hope Davis-Bey, Art Coordinator.

During the installation ceremony, J.A.G. members recited the Career Association Creed, which includes, among other tenets, a belief in the importance of establishing career goals, taking responsibility for productive work, and the development of one’s full potential.

MCHS students take a pledge as they are welcomed into the JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates) program at Michigan City High School.

As one of two keynote speakers for the ceremony, Dr. Felicia Brumfield, a physical therapist and native of Gary, told the JAG program students to remember this creed in years to come because the values that it outlines will continue to guide them.

“What keeps you on track are values. They are what motivate us and keep us on track,” she said. “Without values, we can be easily swayed.”

Dominique Smith, Regional Coordinator for the J.A.G. program, also spoke during the installation ceremony, saying that this creed sets J.A.G. students apart from other students.

“My expectations of you are higher than of other students at Michigan City High School,” she said. “I expect a great deal of you because you have access to so many resources – college resources, professional resources – and this is what will get you ahead in life.”

MCHS students take a pledge as they are welcomed into the JAG (Jobs for America’s Graduates) program at Michigan City High School.

More information about Indiana’s J.A.G. program is available at, or by contacting MCHS J.A.G. Instructor Ray Davis at