On Feb. 14, after a 3 day trial in LaPorte Circuit Court, Curtis Adams was found guilty on all four counts for crimes against children. Adams was found guilty of two counts of child molesting (Level 1 Felony), and two counts of child seduction (Level 3 Felony). Sentencing will be held on Friday, Feb. 16 . Adams faces a possible 20 to 40 year sentence for each Level 1 Felony, and a 3 to 16 year sentence for each Level 3 Felony.

LaPorte County Prosecutor Sean Fagan said: “After a rigorous trial, Mr. Adams was found Guilty by a jury. This is how the system is supposed to work, and my team did its job. Crimes against chilren are abhorrent, and when we are able to prove our case and achieve justice, that’s reward enough.”

Prosecutor Fagan said further: “Julianne Havens did an excellent job in presenting our case, and is our resident expert in prosecuting these types of crimes. I want to thank the Laporte (City) Police Department, with good work by Captain Ferguson and the Detective Bureau in working the investigation. Good work on the front end by law enforcement is what makes or breaks a case.”