With summer now officially here, Liberty Township Volunteer Fire Department would like to remind residents and
visitors to have a fire safe summer. Whether you plan to use a grill for a grand barbecue or enjoy a refreshing swim
or other outdoor activities. A cautious reminder to keep safety at the forefront when planning these activities is
important to prevent serious injuries or death.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, grilling-related fires peak in July (16%). Gas grills were
involved in an average of 8,900 home fire per year, with leaks or breaks being the primary issue found. Charcoal or
other solid-fuel grills were involved in 1,300 home fire per year.

Fire safety starts with you. Follow these grilling safety tips for a safe and enjoyable summer.
Tips from the Professionals:
 Inspect your barbecue grill for any damage, such as rust or cracks, before using it.
 Check to ensure the propane tank is in good condition and all connectors are in good working order. You
can check for gas leaks by applying light soap and water solution to the hose and connections. If bubbles
appear, it may indicate a leak.
 For charcoal grills, use a charcoal chimney starter or an electric charcoal starter instead of lighter fluid,
which can be more dangerous.
Hot weather is associated with an increase in heat-related illnesses. Anyone can be at risk to the health effects of
heat, but some are more vulnerable, including people with heart or lung conditions, older adults, and outdoor
workers according to the Center for Disease Control.
During high heat days, consider staying indoors or places where you can escape to cooler temperatures. If you can’t
avoid the outdoors in the high heat consider the following:
 Reduce or reschedule strenuous activities until the coolest time of the day. Children, seniors and anyone
with health concerns should stay in the coolest available place, not necessarily indoors.
 Wear lightweight or loose-fitting clothing items. Preferably, light colors.
 Focus on non-alcoholic and decaffeinated fluids. Drink water even if you don’t feel thirsty.
Between 2018 and 2021 a total of 216 drowning deaths occurred in Indiana according to the Indiana Department of
Health. While most of these deaths occurred on public property (73%), deaths occurred on private property (21%) as well. Even despite safety measures in places, swimmers still failed to use personal flotation devices or other
swimmers were inexperienced and unsupervised.

The United States Coast Guard recommends the following steps to keep water activities safe.
 Check the marine weather forecast prior to setting out
 Wear an appropriately sized life jacket
 Always supervise inexperienced swimmers

As always know who to call in an emergency. Know your location and where responders need to go, the nature of
the emergency requiring first responders, and answer all questions the 911 operators have.

If you have a life-threatening emergency call 911. For non-emergencies in Porter County call 219-477-3000 to speak
with a dispatcher. Should you find yourself on the lakefront of Lake Michigan this summer call the National Park
Service at 1 800-727-5847 for emergencies.