The Tobacco Education and Prevention Coalition for Porter County (TEPC) recently held a volunteer appreciation event for members and community partners engaging in efforts to promote smoke free air and to minimize smoking and vaping, as well as their related-illnesses, in Porter County. “Our volunteers are out of this world” was the theme to this year’s event that honored coalition members and organization partners for their dedicated support and participation,” said Carrie Higgins, Program Director for the Tobacco Education and Prevention Coalition. Captain Joe Hall of the Valparaiso Police Department and Chair of the coalition served as Emcee and presented awards to this year’s recipients.

“The Tobacco Education and Prevention Coalition, in affiliation with the Valparaiso University College of Nursing and Health Professions,  serves Porter County solely with grant funds shared from the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) of 1998 which recovered billions of dollars in health care costs associated with treating smoking-related illnesses from the four largest tobacco companies in the U.S.  Porter County is one of 39 Indiana counties that receive a small portion of  funds passed to the State of Indiana from the settlement via the Indiana Prevention and Cessation division of the Indiana Department of Health. These funds are used to decrease tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke, while promoting resources to help people quit smoking, vaping and using other nicotine products,” Higgins said.

“We recognize individuals and organizations who work on advocacy issues, promotion of quit resources, tobacco and vape-free initiatives, prevention and education programs and resources for school communities, employers, patients, and the general public.” Many volunteers work in healthcare and behavioral health as coalition issues often intertwine within these areas. UnitedHealthcare’s Community Plan sponsored the event dinner to show their support, while Senator Ed Charbonneau stopped by to share in the celebration. The coalition welcomes any interested community member passionate to minimize the number of Porter County residents exposed to secondhand smoke, tobacco, and nicotine use. The awards were bestowed upon:

Carrie Gschwind, Administrator, and the Porter County Health Department, were awarded the North Star Partner Award in recognition of individual and organizational efforts to promote smoke free lifestyles for their employees, clients and community.

Britni Novina and Porter-Starke Services, Inc. were awarded the Star Leadership Award in recognition of  continued outstanding service and leadership in coalition efforts, especially for referring clients to the quit services of

Portage Township Schools received the School Superstar Partner Award for support and engagement through collaboration with TEPC initiatives to promote tobacco prevention efforts for the school community.

Betsy Stearns, Community Coordinator of HUB Coalition of Porter County, received the Start Engagement Award for providing proactive engagement and service to the coalition.

Erin Robles, Director of Community Engagement for the Portage Township YMCA and Marketing Specialist for the Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce, received the Gold Star Award which in recognition of the extraordinary service and dedication she provides.

“While we have many amazing volunteers and partner organization members on the TEPC, these members went above and beyond this past year. Without each and every coalition member, we would not be able to provide resources and education to improve the health of Porter County citizens.  We are so thankful to each and every one of them.” said Higgins.